We Design Spaces.
We as interior architects, create creative living spaces that are tailored based on your needs and preferences. We hold the future knowledge to
better living/working/learning spaces that helps the human psychology function at its best.
Want to see more of our work?
Check out just some of what we've been up to below

Abdel Rahman Ahmed
I am Abdelrahman Ahmed, a first year Interior Architecture student. I chose this major as I am passionate about designing living spaces. The passion began when I started helping my father in his business. He is a civil engineer and a contractor, hence being an interior architect would help me finish off his work. I had the vision to enlarge our family owned business and I am working hard towards this goal. Another reason why I chose this field is that it is constantly evolving and it gives the architect the luxury of creation.
Abdelrahman Ahmed
Motels in Egypt is completely underrated. These places are completely abandoned by people since forever as they are not attractive in some ways. Motels do not use marketing as a tool of success, while on the other hand, fancy hotels work on catching customers’ eyes in every possible way. Firstly, they work extremely hard on making the reception as extraordinary as possible, while on the contrary, motels do not put much attention to the reception, they might not even have one. Therefore, I came up with the idea of recreating Kanzy Motel’s reception. The motel is located in Downtown, Cairo. The rooms are considered satisfying, while the reception is poorly designed. My concept is to bring the motel back to use by tourists and locals as it could be a better option to them compared to fancy and overly priced hotels.

Salma El Assuity
Hello, my name is Salma Elassuity, I’m 19 years old. I study interior architecture and design in the school of design and media at Coventry University. I have endless passion for arts and design. My favorite part about interior architecture is making the best possible use of the empty spaces in my own style and perspective.
The knowledge hub accommodation dorms is a design that I thought of after lots of research and more understanding of the project requirements. TKH dorms was originally supposed to be a design of a full building with rooms, bathrooms, and hallways. But due to what is going on these days and the limited time that I have, I did not want to mess the design. So I have decided to design a sample for the room of the dorms, and in the future I’m willing to finish this whole building design.

Salma Rasheed
My name is Salma Rasheed, I am 18 years old. I am very driven to produce the best possible outcome for anything I create. My hobbies have always included arts and crafts which I have found are very useful in interior architecture and design.
For my project I decided to redesign the interior of an AirBnB tiny home in Aptos, California.

Rasheed Abdalla
Hello, I know most of you know me, but others didn’t have the same opportunity as you did. I am standing here now to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Rasheed Rasheed, I’m a 19 year old Egyptian who used to study at the American international School in Egypt. Art is not just another word for me, art is the one thing I love the most and I’m passionate about. One word that would describe me is that I’m an (Observer). As an observer, I admire and appreciate staring at beauty or listening to it, noticing every exquisite element in the art I’m either looking at or listening to. Every instrument, every color, the slightest sounds playing in the background of a song, even one line drawn in the middle of nowhere always has a meaning behind it and a story on why is it placed there.
Interior design is how to connect all elements in the room to each other, from lighting to space to color to lines to forms to texture and patterns, so when your client arrives at his/her destination whether at an office or a home, he or she could be fond of having the pleasure experience every element in the room. “Every artist was first an amateur” a quote said by Ralph Emerson, we can compare life to the movie “The Matrix”. We are all amateurs now looking at life in a simple and plain way, but I chose to take the red pill, in order to know more about art in depth, to recognized the unknown and hidden beauty to the world we live in and to one day become a respected interior architect with a message to send in a special form to comfort people.

Zeina Mohamed
My name is Zeina Tarek, I’m 17 years old and I study Interior Architecture at Coventry University as an international student. One thing I can say about myself that the majority of people cannot is that I’ve lived in three different countries throughout my life and that I’ve attended seven different schools before entering university. I’ve met a lot of people in my life and they can all agree to describe me as outgoing, fun, supportive and honest. My frequent travelling has fueled my passion for architecture as I find it fascinating how different countries have different styles of architecture. Whenever I visit a foreign country, I not only enjoy sight-seeing and visiting monuments, but I also tend to find myself being captivated by the houses and buildings while exploring the country. Whenever I’m at the beach, I notice that it feels like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders and that my soul is finally at peace. This has inspired my final major project.
I decided to combine two of my main passions, travel and architecture, and design a beach house in the Maldives. Some houses in the Maldives were destroyed and torn down due to sea erosion combined with the poor quality of its foundation. My aim was to design a house that would have a strong enough foundation and is built with the suitable materials for the Maldives weather, to replace the houses that have been destroyed.

Kariman ElKareish
I’m Kariman, most people would describe me as a realist, meaning personality wise and art wise. Realistically speaking, interior architecture is far from what the little version of me saw herself doing in the future, but here I am, beyond happy that I am studying it and would not want to have it any other way. Growing up, I lived in a city, surrounded by countless skyscrapers. Such experience has allowed me to blossom into an art enthusiast, and I mean the art of modernization and luxury.
I personally find it very fascinating to change an existing space from being basic and normal to being extremely luxurious and artistic. For such reasons, I decided to revolve my final major project around the aim of renovating an existing space to make it more luxurious. I specifically chose an existing office space along with its lounge and decided to give it a complete makeover, ensuring that it appreciates the art of modernization and luxury in every aspect.

Jenna Khalil
Jenna Khalil, a passionate soul that’s tied to the moon phases.
I’m a student at The knowledge Hub (Coventry University) and I major in Interior Architecture. I’m a firm believer that we all go through various transformations throughout our lifetime. These transformations are based upon our changing interests, inspirations, culture, and surely our gained experiences. And only through these transformations is our art introduced to life and nurtured.
My project explores the concept of redesigning of a restaurant as I identified the complexities and considerations of restaurant design. The main concept of my project is to transform a restaurant into a pizzeria by taking into consideration all the alterations in the space and function. My goals is to design a successful restaurant concept as it involves various technical and operational considerations.My priority is to provide the customer with a satisfying experience that includes a relaxing atmosphere.

Giovanni Kodous
My name is Giovanni Kodous and I’m an Egyptian student at Coventry University. At a young age I found myself passionate in drawing and colouring. As I grew older, I became fond of becoming an interior architect and what lies ahead in that road. Some of my hobbies are playing American football, basketball and drawing.
My project is about how I’ll be creating a small football facility for an American football team that has almost everything they need, including a half sized field next to the sports complex.

Ali Al Sawa
My name is Ali Ahmed AlSawa, I’m a 19 year old football player who plays for a 4th division first team and strives to become a 1st division player and to achieve the dream of joining the national team. I study architecture at Coventry University, The Knowledge Hub branch, and I always look to be the best in every field I put myself in and always renew that feeling by remembering the quote that always keeps me hungry for more “the struggles you are going through today are tests to see if you’re truly committed to the life you say you want”

Alia Abo Zeid
My name is Alia Abouzeid, I’m a 17 year old, interior architecture student and someone who’s always been extremely passionate about art. Being creative has always been my escape. Growing up, I lived abroad in a foreign country to my own and just moved back to Egypt recently, this was something that had always been a major obstacle for me in finding myself and who I wanted to be and what I wanted to create. It made it hard to fit in coming from a different environment, but in a way it helped shape me into the person that I am today and produce the art that I do now. “Inspired by the fear of being average” is a motto that I have lived by. I figured if I felt like I didn’t belong, might as well stand out, which brings me to today, to the art that I now create where I can finally say I feel like I have found my style. I always had an interest in creating spaces and redesigning them, but also found myself very talented at graphic design, calligraphy and typography which is why I aspire to create a clash between the two majors and introduce a new appreciation for the collaboration between graphic design elements and interior architecture which I think can lead to something beautiful and maybe even revolutionary.
For my final project I have decided to redesign a night train cabin. I have noticed that sleeping train rooms tend to lack facilities, and so my aim for this project is to create a new and improved plan of the cabins to enhance the experience and ensure the comfort of those traveling via this service.

Dina El Hendy
Hi, I am Dina El Hendy. I was born in Amsterdam and I live in Egypt. I enjoy travelling, cycling, listening to music, hanging out my friends, and watching movies.
For my Final Major Project I decided to introduce the idea of Group Foster Homes in Egypt. My aim for this project is making a Safe Zone for children.

Chantalle Hanen
My name is Chantelle, I’m 19 and I love art, nature and spaces. I’m also a yoga freak - I’ve been practicing for two years and tried different types of yoga in nine different studios. This inspired me to design a space for yoga practitioners like myself who want to experience a full meditative and calming practice in the middle of the desert.

Gloria Rofael
Hello! My name is Gloria Rofael and I'm an interior architect to be. I'm a kinesthetically intelligent person. To clarify, I'm both a tennis and a padel player, also a sports leader in a camping service - OST. I'm super interested in inversion yoga as it builds body strength, stability and confidence. Added to that, I'm a naturalist that is dramatically passionate about different sorts of art and connects to beauty of wildness and nature in different ways.
The main concept of my project is the makeover of a currently existing space; my house's basement into a private home spa. The story behind such concept is visualizing the power and potential of what this space could become; the plot twist between what it is now and how I imagine it to be. Also, the inclusion of the theme: The Art of Retreating - soul, mind and body.

Farah Hegazy
My name is Farah Hegazy and my chosen pathway is interior architecture.
For my final major project, I am recreating a hotel suite in one of the most fascinating creations ever, completely inspired by Egypt and its historical outbreaks. The main three civilizations I am focusing on are the pharaonic civilization, islamic civilization and the Egyptian cinematic era.

Farida Ashraf
My name is Farida Ashraf, I’m 20 years old! I am a design and media at Coventry University. I will be majoring interior architecture for the upcoming 3 years. I used to train horse-back riding but due to some problems in my back I had to stop. My favorite quote is “This too shall pass”. My final major project is about a transformation of a hairdresser salon.

Halla Daker
My name is Halla Daker and hopefully I will major in interior architecture and design next year.
My current project is about creating a workshop in Fagnoon Arts & Crafts Center. The workshop will be about recycling; they will recycle old and unwanted things into a masterpiece. The workshop will be only for children. The aim of the workshop is to introduce them to the meaning of recycling and to keep our environment clean.

Hanna Fayed
Honestly, it was a struggle for me to choose a quote to present out of all the quotes written by Shakespeare, but I finally settled on this ‘A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.’ Knowledge is one of the concepts that I admire as well as bravery and determination. They are very crucial to me and I embrace that through competing in squash games and riding motorcycles.
Lastly, I’ll introduce myself to you, my name is Hanna Fayed and I am a 19-year-old with an idea of creating a Neon lounge at the La Vista resort, Ain El Sokhna for teenagers and young adults.

Haneen Makram
I am Haneen Makram, I am 18 years old and I study Interior Architecture & Design at Coventry University, The Knowledge Hub branch. My hobbies are reading, traveling and playing kick boxing. After 4 years, when I finish studying at Coventry, I would like to be an interior Architect as I like imagining and designing different things to achieve customer satisfaction. My favorite quote is “Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.” - Jodie Foster As I like being unique as I believe viewing yourself unique and different from others is the beginning of success.
My final major is about renovating El Sawy culture wheel which is one of the most popular spaces in Egypt.

Omar Youssef
I am omar ,I am 18 years old and I am so interested in interior design or mainly design , i’ve planned most of my high school that I want to be interior designer, and I truly loved the major and its lifestyle
I got inspired by my father who is also an interior architect , who owns his on company. I am also very interested in basketball ,mostly the NBA which I like to watch the matches daily . So I got an idea to combine both of my interests into my final project so I decided to got to a basketball courts in a youth center which was poor in design and it was horrible, so I wanted to take the space and change it into my own design, I gather all the information and researches and started working on it. I changed 2 basketball courts into 1 court and I made a NBA designed lounge .Iam trying to let people get interested in the game of basketball ball because in egypt basketball is so underrated and not loved like football for example.the name of this place will be golden hoops , I got inspired by Kobe Bryant to do this project because he recently passed away in a horrible accident, I design the court into the lakers colors because he was an athlete in the lakers for 20 years. I will be submitting a digital model for golden hoops ,also ill be submitting different plans and renders.

Layla Faheem
My name is Layla Faheem, I am 17 years old. I’ve always had an artistic sense and have wanted to pursue that since I was a little child. I love drawing, painting and being creative with anything I do. I love using my hands and see how they’ll surprise me. I also am a huge football fan, I used to play however ended up with a fractured back that sadly caused me to stop playing.
My final major project is about redesigning a restaurant that serves a purpose. The purpose is to raise awareness on the current palestinian situation and I will be conveying that in several ways and portraying it through my project outcomes.

Leila El Awadly
My name is Leila Awadly. I am an 18 year old soccer player and an ex-gymnast. I have been playing sports since I was young, inspiring me to create a sports facility, as well as to support the idea of rooftops transformation.

Liza Mina
I am Liza, an 18-year-old interior architecture student. Living by the Nile River as a child, I have grown to appreciate the beauty of nature. I look forward to creating a sustainable future using Earth’s gifts and interpreting nature in my designs. I no longer live by the river, but I would ask my father to take the long way, to grandma, just to have a glimpse of it every now and then.
In my project, I designed the carpenter workshop in the Lillian Trasher Orphanage, the first orphanage in Egypt. I designed a sustainable and biophilic interior by interpreting nature in addition to natural lighting in my design. The biophilic design is a figure of inspiration and hope for the orphans training in the workshops. During the Covid-19 crisis, everyone is locked down in their homes. Meanwhile, the orphanage, having hundreds of children and more, is facing issues and had to shut down all the activities and visits. However, the biophilic workshop interior is a healthy environment for the children, where they can spend their time creatively and look up to learning, designing and working.

Malak EL Dafrawy
Hi, you can call me Mika. I’m a 19-year-old football player who happens to be in love with nature. As I grew up, my fascination and interest regarding nature and the environment continued to grow, this is mainly because I spend most of my time by the beach. Considering the current global environmental issues, it hurts me to see innocent animals and plants suffer due to irresponsible human actions, and I would do anything to help.
Having that said, I chose to have my final major project somewhat raise awareness towards these issues. My main goal is to redesign a clinic, making it suitable for all ages, whilst keeping in mind factors that encourage sustainability. I am proposing a design that hopefully satisfies a few of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Along with that I chose to implement a soothing, relieving environment for the patients, this was done by my choice of colours and design for the space.

Mohamed Eraky
My name is Mohamed Eraky, I’m eighteen years old. Through my life I’ve had several hobbies but the ones that always outstand the others are art and soccer. My father is an interior designer and my mother draws at home all the time so I was always surrounded with art. My other hobby was soccer and it means a lot to me, it brings so many memories to mind while watching or playing it. That is why in my project I chose to change the trophy cabinet of a soccer team, which is Al Ahly, they are the biggest soccer team in Egypt and they have a lot of stories behind them that all Egyptians know whether they support the team or not. After I got the approval, I started planning the place and start working on SketchUp to imagine the trophy cabinet in real life.

Malak Khalifa
I am Malak Khalifa; a 19-year-old interior architecture student at Coventry University. I have always had a great interest in art, drawing was my passion. Drawing is a hobby for me which was improved by taking art classes for my IGCSE art exam. I am a person who believes that if you don’t love what you do, you will certainly fail. I love art and design, especially interior design, I have always been attracted to interior architecture designs that are on Instagram pages and on Pinterest. My long-term ambition is to open my own interior design firm that works with clients from all over the world. My creative interests mostly focus on art and using my imagination to draw designs that are meaningful and that are also useful.
My final project discusses how interior architecture can assist children by researching and comparing new design ideas and how the use of different colours, materials and shapes can affect children in terms of wellbeing and safety. The reason I chose this topic is that I always had the dream of opening my own nursery. Which is why for the purpose of this project and to demonstrate my ideas and compare designs.

Maryam El Husseini
“All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost” (J.R.R. Tolkien).
Since adolescences, my sole ambition was to be adventurous. I’m Maryam El-Husseini, biologically, I am half-Palestinian, half-Lebanese. However, I currently live in Egypt and was born there. I desire to be one of the few, who experience too much for one lifetime. Having encountered countless events, I acquired a mature, independent, and confident personality; I desire to become an Interior Architect as I am enthusiastic and committed about the future voyage ahead of me! Interior Architecture, volleyball, and soccer bring out the creative and artistic side of me that encourages me to succeed and enjoy life to the fullest.
My project is about minimalism, I’ll be manufacturing a small space making it big, able to fit all the necessities needed in a normal sized house, that way the living space is more financially friendly and different.

Marihan Hamdoun
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.”
Hello! My name is Marihan Hamdoun and I’m an eighteen year old Interior Architecture student with artistic passions to boot! At a young age, I found joy in utilizing colors, forms, and textures to create crafts for myself and my loved ones. I aspire to one day own and operate my own Interior architecture firm as it has been my dream since the age of 11. For my final major project, I have decided to take an existing space (my grandmother’s chalet), and transform it into what I believe to be a more suitable home for its tenants and surrounding environment. I’ve chosen this specific place as I believe it needs renovation in terms of its layout, style, and lighting

Maya Sorour
I am Maya Sorour, I am studying interior architecture and design in Coventry university. I have always dreamt of being a designer, as I love being responsible of a number of different spaces not only in houses. In addition, I like choosing the colour, materials and the furniture. For those who assume that the interior architecture is easy, this quote is for you “I do more than picking colours”.

Nour Allah Rashed
I am Nourallah, i am 19 years old. I was born and raised here in Egypt. When I was a little child, my parents used to spend the weekends at the beach, and I believe that’s why I really love the sea, the sun, and the moon, and feel the most myself when I am at the beach. I always knew that I had a passion for music but what I didn’t know is that I have a passion for designing too. I discovered my passion for designing early 2019 when I was struggling with what I was studying in mu previous university, fortunately I discovered it early and I couldn’t be more happier, because right now I am studying what I really love, interior architecture. I’m a very optimistic person and one of my favorite quotes is a quote by Albus Dumbledore, a character from the Harry Potter movies, “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”.
I chose to renovate my beach house as my final project, because it’s a place that I really enjoyed when I was younger, and a place that I escape to with my friends whenever we want to take a break and chill, this is why I called the project Seascape.

Amira Soliman
Hi, my name is Amira Soliman, I’m an interior architecture student. Summarizing myself in a couple of words I would say, that I have a chill personality, my hobbies include horseback riding and diving. I am a creative person; therefore, I chose the school of design and media. Interior architecture was where I found myself mostly, I was always able to get the creative part out of me when it comes to work.
This project is about redesigning the faculty office at TKH. This office is the workplace for all the professors. I found that studies have already proven that it might be quite disturbing for some people to work in an open office space as it impacts productivity. The purpose of this project is to find a solution for the distractions and lack of privacy within the existing space so it would become a better workplace for everyone.

Sherouk Abdel Moety
My name is Shorouk Abdelmoaty. I'm 18 years old. I study Interior Architecture and design. My project is about creating giving a makeover to shipping containers, as well creating a comfortable home to a family with the suitable amount of cost for them. The family consists of two people, who are recently married and looking for a place to live in.

Shahinaz el Masry
I have been driven by my passion for art and design for as long as I can remember, recognizing elements of art anywhere I go. My name is Shahinaz Elmasry, I am an interior architect student at Coventry University, TKH campus. I have always been fascinated by transforming things, which is why I am very interested in interior architecture.
For my final major project, I wanted to transform a space that would interest most people I know and capture their attention. Therefore, I decided to redesign my university’s student lounge as it is a space that many of us have in common, and it is interesting to see an alternative and better design for this space. My main goal while redesigning the lounge was to efficiently use the space and include as many functions as possible, without cramping it up. The redesigned lounge include functions such as a student gathering area, a study area, a game area as well as a sleeping area. The inspiration behind the color scheme is the Google for entrepreneurs lounge, located in Indonesia. I chose a bright color scheme to motivate students to think creatively and innovatively. Although there are many different zones in the lounge, I aimed to connect them all to form a sense of unity between students. A student lounge is a place where students go to rest in between their hectic classes and to get to know each other, which is why I insisted on not dividing it up. I am really satisfied with the design I created, as I think it fulfilled all student lounge functions and purposes.

Nour Atlam
To me, good architecture recognizes every space’s potential. This includes vital decisions paired with a sense of courage. I have an incredible respect for a variety of design cycles on a personal basis. For me, spaces only work when contrast creates harmony. They are meant to tell a story about the people who live there. I am currently studying interior architecture at Coventry university and I am almost done with my foundation year.
For my final major project, I proposed a simple proposal to re-decorate my house’s roof terrace; and in that case my family are my clients.

Yehia Shakieb
My name is Yehia Shakieb and I’m a Coventry University student studying Interior Architecture.
My project is Inspired by the Swiss chalets but with a modern twist to it. The shape of the house is like a chalet because it has a sloping roof and it consists of one floor only. The single floor and the high ceiling give the space a strong character which I can use to put emphasis on the designs and the materials being used, like the huge fireplace that is suspended from the centre of the house. The House itself is surrounded by both the mountains and the sea, and the mountains here have a desert mood to it as well. That’s why I chose to use natural materials that will compliment the desert and the mountains, and colours that will suit the sea and contrast the rough textures and colours of the materials.
I made a physical model for the design process, however the final outcome is all digital, as I wanted to experiment more with Rendering using both V-Ray for Sketch-up and Photoshop. This allowed me to present my work in various ways that were more artistic and creative as well. I will add a VR Model as well alongside the Renders and the Mood boards to complete the whole experience for the client.

Lamees Ghoneim
I am Lamees Ghoneim, born and raised in Cairo. Interior architecture has always been a sight for sore eyes to me. I am currently taking one step at a time to have my own interior architecture company. My current project is about university dormitories and how students struggle living there and that is why I decided to redesign the interior of the dorms so that it can fit students’ needs special, the ones studying in national universities.

Omar El Kayal
My name is Omar Mohamed el Kayal, I am 18 years old I was born in Egypt “Cairo” I studied in green heights international school and now I am studying in Coventry university interior architecture. I think my major is matched with how I think because I like to create things , find new ideas and try to be more creative in my work.
"Workafe" is an all inclusive cafe . Where students and employees and business men could enjoy studying and working in quiet and cozy place . They can enjoy eating and drinking using the cafe application on their mobiles by selecting what they want and someone will get them what they asked. The place is made from one floor.

Naela El Far
Hi, my name is Naela Elfar and I am an interior architect student at Coventry University, The Knowledge Hub. My favourite hobbies are baking and playing tennis. I hope that one day I can pursue my dream to become a professional tennis player and to be a professional interior architect as well. I enjoy working out in the sun when I can’t play tennis due to the coronavirus pandemic.
My project is about redesigning a farmhouse and I have redesigned the house to make it more modern. I have used a lot of glass walls in the house which overlook the grass which give a feeling of relaxation and warmth as this house is mostly used for holidays and vacations. For this project, I have created a 3D model using Foam Board and I have also created a render using Photoshop. I have also created a model using SketchUp. I made a mood board to represent the different ideas that I had and also to represent what materials I will use for this project.

Nour Al Qarmalawy
My name Nour AlQarmalawy, I am 17 years old. I am studying Interior Architecture in Coventry University. My is idol is a very well-known, talented architect - Zaha Hadid. The quote that inspires me most is “You have to really believe not only in yourself; you have to believe that the world is actually worth your sacrifices”.
For this Project, I decided to design an ice cream shop, that enables visitors to have a new, creative experience inside the shop from the seating way, building up their own ice cream and also from the inter active places that will be there. The concept of the place is “Ice cream is Magic”. I insist that going out for ice cream has positive effects on the mind, and lifts your mood. An Ice cream shop’s style must be made of magic to enable visitors enjoy the experience and the interior architecture and spaces as much you enjoy the ice cream.

Mayadah Salih
I’m a young passionate Sudanese lady, who’s very ambitious about my career. Having black as my favourite colour doesn't define who I am but my work and personality does. I’m addicted to tuna and movies. I’m a night person, always enjoying doing my favourite things at late night.
A semi public space that mostly serves children then adults. It’s a Candy store with a plenty types of candies and a space that allows customers to make their own. It’s a modern designed space with some vibrant colours.

Rahaf Ibrahim
I am Rahaf Ibrahim; an interior architecture student. I love sleeping. One of my hobbies is that I can sleep anywhere and anytime.
Basically, my project is about recycling; it is a place where people will recycle things into daily used products and there will be 3d printers that’ll help print these products and a small shop where they can buy recycled materials.

Mariam El Abd
Hello, I’m Mariam Elabd an 18 year old student who goes to Coventry university in Egypt and currently studying interior architecture. My friends call me a coffee addict and I’m the “Mom” in the group because I really care about the environment and that’s why I chose to dedicate this project to sustainability. I’m also a dog lover and that is why I chose to be a voice to those who cannot speak.

Kirollos Ihab
Kiro Ihab, creative young influencer through art, who hopes to empower people with his art and give them hope and life through his vision.
My project:
Vinatge houses in many areas in Egypt, show memories of people, history and identity of the country through everything and mainly interior architecture as I see, I try to show all this beauty and modernized without losing this charm