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Hi!! My name is Amira and my intended pathway is Digital Media! I enjoy all types of art, from drawing and painting to music, film, and literature. It’s a great passion of mine and the reason I chose Design, specifically Digital Media, as the pathway I would pursue. There are many reasons I love design, but the true reason will always be the reach it has and the abstract ways it can have an impact on people’s thoughts and lives. It’s a powerful tool that can enable its master to accomplish many things, while also being a creative outlet where we can express our endless thoughts and ideas. This year the projects came one after the other, it felt like a story unfolding in front of our eyes, and as time went on, I came to understand the job of a designer deeper. Our tutors were always there to provide any assistance we needed to grow and solve problems, watching them explain what they are passionate about also allowed me to see the level of dedication and understanding they have of the design world and their work. My advice for anyone who would join this major is to not be afraid to explore ideas & do research, and definitely to manage your time. People say being creative requires courage, and that’s because this creativity grows from our own thoughts and inner conflicts, not just skills like matching colors and coming up with ideas, it requires deep soul searching and not being afraid to experiment and try everything.

Amira Aref

Digital Media Student

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Hello, my name is Jana Yousef, and I am a first-year student. At Coventry University's school of design and media, I study interior architecture and design. I've always loved design and knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, and now is my chance to put my passion into action. Foundation year was an exciting year full of new experiences and information. I was able to study three different majors, all of which have helped me grow as a person and further explore my passions.

Jana Yousef

Interior Architecture-Foundation student

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Hi! I am Judy Youssef. I study Digital Media at the School of Design and Media at Coventry University. I take pleasure in photography, video editing and digital art. This year has been a rollercoaster of experiences for me. I was excited about the amount of exploring that I was about to witness, starting with the first semester when I tried all majors, Interior Architecture, Graphic Design, and Digital Media. Then going on to the second semester when we tried a group project for the first time, which I very much enjoyed. In addition, in the second half of the semester, we had an individual project, which felt like a real-life job. This part is where we truly got the chance to explore our major since we were totally alone with the basics that we learned throughout the year. I got the opportunity to go take videos outside my house for the first time which gave me confidence in using my camera outdoors without feeling like I am anxious. In conclusion, this year was very beneficial for me as I got a deeper dive into my interests and I felt like this is what I truly want for my future.

Judy Youssef

Digital Media Student

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Hi, my name is Karam Mardini. I graduated from the American International School of Egypt West campus, and I am currently studying design and media (digital media) at the knowledge hub Universities, Coventry University. I participated in many different events, internships, and activities. But I am mainly a photographer/videographer with skills in photo shoot composition and editing. Consistently meeting artistic goals and project specifications. Photography and videography are my passion that is why I chose this college and that major in particular and trying to build my career and achieve my goals in the media career! Also, I am an energetic videographer accustomed to working with clients to achieve desired looks for range of personal and business needs. In addition, I worked with many artists, for example, Khaled mounib, Assi Al-hellany, Wael Jassar, Amir Karara, and many more. 

I also worked as my school's photographer/videographer for 4+ years. in addition, I maintain organized, clean, and safe work areas with diligent attention to important details. What I learned this year can’t be counted, during foundation year, I learned how to use PS, AI, and Sketch-up. In addition, I learned new drawing techniques, and how to reflect and annotate on my work. Taking my instructors feedback and advice and always trying to enhance and improve my work and projects. And always I learned how to turn the criticism on my work into a better version for submissions. I learned all pathways of design and media and got to work in each pathway and explore every major. 

Our first project was named exploration, we do nothing but explore more and discover new things, skills, and techniques. I learned plenty of skills and made mistakes and always trying to enhance my work. Being responsible, productive, creative, and always ready to learn are the most important aspects not in design and media but in college in general, because that is a completely new phase in life, and this is the time that you get to choose what you want to do and step on the road of your career. I am excited and looking forward to joining digital media next year and also to join the summer internships this upcoming summer. Consistently meeting artistic goals and project specifications. 

Photography and videography are my passion that is why I chose this college and that major in particular and trying to build my career and achieve my goals in the media career!What I learned this year can’t be counted, during foundation year, Ilearned how to use PS, AI, and Sketch-up. In addition,Ilearned new drawing techniques, and how to reflectand annotateon mywork. Taking my instructors feedback and advice and always trying to enhance and improve my workand projects. And always Ilearned how to turn thecriticism on my work into a better version for submissions.Ilearned all pathways of design and media andgot to work in each pathway and explore every major. Iam excited and looking forward tojoiningdigital media next year and also to join the summer internships this up comingsummer.

Karam Mardini

Digital Media Student

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Hi, my name is Lujain Badreldin Bosila, an interior architecture student at Coventry University. I surmise that we all go through different transformations throughout our lives. These shifts are the result of changing inspirations, culture, interest, and most importantly, life experiences. Our art is merely brought to life and nurtured through these transformations. 

Not only was foundation year arduous but also remarkable one because I got to learn the rudiments of each major and had the chance to experience what I learned throughout the year. For me, art is more than just a term; it is the thing I am most passionate about. Hence choosing the School of Design & Media made me use all my imagination as well as art skills in working with 3 different majors. Foundation year was a helpful year because it helped me to choose Interior Architecture rather than Graphic, as I realized after working with both majors that I express my feelings and enjoy working as Interior on the other side, Graphic I enjoy working on it too but I do not like using my laptop for a long period of time ,as I get bored and I do not feel that I am interacting with my work well since I mostly like using my hand more. 

I really enjoyed every moment in foundation year and got to understand each major well. The most dominant aspect I learned from Foundation year is time management as it is the key to keep up with your deadlines So, you have to take care to finish all your work by time and focus to work smarter not harder. As John C. Maxwell said, “Time management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives. Priority management is the answer to maximizing the time we have.”

Lujain Bosila

Interior Architecture-Foundation student

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Hello! I am Mariam Bayoumy, a student seeking interior design and architecture to be my future career. Foundation year in design and media was a difficult yet an extraordinary one. I have loved every learning stage I got to experience. It was a year packed with new information, techniques, and most importantly EXPERIMENTATIONS. 
There were plenty of aspects that I have loved about this year. I really liked that i got to know and learn more about every major in Design and Media whether I liked it or not. That helped me decide what future career I would prefer. The most important thing and the thing I liked the most about this year was the number of experimentations I did. I believe that is the best thing about design and media. That we get to experiment everything to see if things work out or not. At the beginning it might’ve seemed hard but I realized how it extremely affects the learning process. 
My favorite module out of the three was the second module. That is because we got to work learn about the three majors of Design and Media: Interior, Graphic, and Digital. I really liked that every week was dedicated for a different major but was all revolving around one main objective which was a lost object. I liked how I got to create a character from that lost object. And then my attempt to create a house for that character which is supposed to resemble his characteristics that I also got from that lost object. Then to create a poster for that same character. And finally, to film an animated video of my made-up character. And with all these steps I got to experience the work of an interior architect, a graphic designer, and a digital media creator. Which then helped me make my decision of my future pathway. 
At the beginning, I thought foundation year is of no importance but after I have finished this year, I realized how crucial it is for me to build the base for my future years in Design and Media.

Mariam Bayoumy

Interior Architecture-Foundation student

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Hello! I’m Mireille. I am a foundation year student and will be specializing in Digital Media next year. What I can say about foundation year is that it is a chance where you will explore different fields and learn several techniques through several practical work, experimentation, and research. It is not only a year of learning but also a year where you will explore more about yourself and enhance the skills you did not know you have.

Mireille Hossam

Digital Media Student

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Yasmine Abdelazim ID:202100844

Hi I'm Yasmine Abdelazim. I am currently studying graphic design in the school of design and media at Coventry University. I have quite an obsession with anything artsy and colorful, I love fashion and binge-watching sitcoms. This year I really enjoyed learning about all three of the majors this school provides because it was not only fun and interesting but it also helped me with my final decision of what major I was going to choose. Throughout this year I got to create 3D architecture models, created an animation video, and worked on mock brand visual identities.

Yasmine abdelazim

Graphic Design Student

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Hey! My name is Zeina Agwa. I am a Design and Media student who will be majoring in Interior architecture and design. I really don’t know what to say about this phenomenal year. Coventry gave us an amazing opportunity to experience three different majors: Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Design, and Digital Media. It was an amazing opportunity because it gave me a chance to experience three different majors in the same year and it gave me reassurance that I did choose the right major. Also, they made us experience all kinds of work and work environments. The doctors made us enjoy learning, it was always fun. The thing I enjoyed doing the most was model making. I got to play with different materials and see what works and what does not. We built four models and it was an amazing feeling to see how I progressed in my model making skills from my first model to my latest model. Overall, it was an overwhelming year which was full of new and exciting moments.

Zeina Agwa

Interior Architecture-Foundation student

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