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My name is nada genena, I am a design and media foundation student. The journey so far between those three different majors has been very fun, the experimentation with tools, art and music as well as integrating it to photography, or the designing of models from scratch and watching it grow piece by piece, or whether filming and creating videos. Overall, I believe I have benefited from every step of the way in this journey to find my passion and what I want to pursue. I believe that it was necessary to pass by all those majors because the skills I developed from each one will only help me grow more. Finally, even though I enjoyed every step of the ride, I find myself and my future pathway to be more in digital media, because it combination of things I'm really passionate about as it combines photography, cinematography, filming, design, editing, digital marketing and advertising. which is what I hope to continue studying about throughout my time in Coventry.

Nada Genena (CU2000325)
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